Nothing draws a woman's attention to a guy like big muscular arms. It's like the male version of having large breasts, they make you much more attractive to the opposite sex and make you feel much more confident in every aspect of your life. When guys want to learn how to get big arms they usually ask one of their buddies or someone they know with decent sized arms but the advice they get isn't always the best. If you're serious about learning how to get big arms I suggest you continue reading.
Here are my top 3 tips on how to build huge arms fast:
How To Get Big Arms Tip #1 - Supersets
Supersets are when you perform two sets of different exercises back to back without a break in between. If your goal is to get big arms you should superset a bicep exercise with a tricep exercise or vice-versa. For example, once you've finished a set of bicep curls you immediately start doing tricep extensions.
How To Get Big Arms Tip #2 - Hit 'em hard and fast
The secret behind building muscle is to trigger a growth response. To do this you want to hit the muscles hard, you must lift heavier or do more reps than your wants to. The muscles in your arm are primarily made up of fast twitch muscle fiber which responds better to heavy weight training. Keep sets in the 6-10 rep range for best results. Also, try to keep your workouts brief, doing set after set of arm exercises isn't necessary to build huge arms. Just a few high intensity sets is enough to pack on the muscle.
How To Get Big Arms Tip #3 - Mix it up
To build big arms fast you need to mix up your arm exercises. You may have already heard the expression "you need to keep your body guessing", well that's especially true when it comes to building up your arms. By switching up arm exercises every couple weeks and constantly trying out different grips and other variations of the exercises you will trigger a much stronger growth response than you would by just doing the same boring exercises over and over.
Those are my top 3 tips to get big arms [], they helped transform my body and I'm sure they will do the same for you too. But honestly, there's one more tip I didn't share with you. If you want to discover my #1 tip for putting on an insane amount of muscle in just a few weeks (my friends actually thought I was on steroids) then visit - []
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