Top Tips on How to Bulk Up and Add Lean Muscle Mass

People always complain about how hard it is to lose weight but then they don't take people seriously when they get told how hard it is to put on weight! If you are anything like me you have a fast metabolism. This is partly genetics but another contributing factor is being very active. Because of this I find it very hard to put weight on. Some people can put muscle mass on by just looking at a weight, not me though. It's taken many years of dedication to go from 140lbs to 215lbs.

When you have a fast metabolism and are naturally skinny you are classed as a "hardgainer". This means that you will find it difficult to put on extra muscle. Some people would die to have this type of body but for a skinny guy trying to get big it can be very frustrating. The first thing you need to realise is that you can still get big but you have to be extra determined and dedicated. There are times where you will want to give up, or where you'll just be plain sick of eating, but hang in there!

You are going to need to get ready to eat more than you've ever eaten before and do this every single day. There are things you can do that will help you out though. Firstly, make protein shakes your best friend. Shakes are great because they are the perfect way of consuming lots of calories in a short space of time. Take this shake for example; 100grams of oats, 35grams of protein powder, 1 banana and ¾ pint of whole milk. Right there you probably have around 700 or 800 calories and you could have that in the space of a couple minutes. Protein shakes won't work miracles but there a fast and easy way of consuming lots of calories.

Also supplements can be your friend. Use Nitric Pure if you want to build some serious mass. With Nitric Pure you can take advantage of extra blood flow direct to your muscles to help you lift those few extra reps and in turn build lean muscle faster. Nitric Pure combined with a healthy and calorie rich diet will soon help you to achieve your bulking goals. Don't forget to count your calories, keep track of everything you're eating. If you're not gaining weight, you're not eating enough, it's that simple!

Find out how using Nitric Pure can help you gain lean muscle mass quickly.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Phil_Mansfield