Exercises and Workouts - Three Ways to Improve the Push-Up Exercise

If you're someone who enjoys doing a home workout program, one exercise you very likely happen to have in the mix is the regular style push-up. Push-ups are a good full body movement exercise as they will even work your leg muscles slightly as you aim to maintain good balance.

The push-up is going to be a perfect choice for strengthening your chest, triceps, and shoulders especially, so should be a stand-by in your upper body workout routine.

That said, you want to make sure you get the most benefits from doing the push-up exercise. That's why you should focus on doing the following four techniques to get more out of this movement...

1. Keep The Core Tight. First, make sure you are focusing on squeezing the core muscles the entire way through the movement. This is one mistake many people make and it can really prevent them from seeing the results they want to see.

Tighten up the core as you lower yourself down into position. This keeps your back in proper alignment as well, ensuring you use good form throughout the exercise.

2. Lower All The Way To The Ground. Next, it's also imperative you don't "short yourself" of the range of motion you should be using. This means lowering yourself down all the way to the ground before coming up again.

Some people only go partway down due to the fact they are in their weakest position at the very bottom of this movement, thus they only receive half the benefits the exercise provides.

Make sure you lower yourself so you're almost touching the ground with your chest. Then press up again to complete the rep.

3. Use An Exercise Ball. Using an exercise ball is another way to add more challenge to this exercise. Simply place your feet or hands on the exercise ball and then push-up from there.

Note it will be significantly harder if you put your hands on the ball versus the feet, so take note of that and choose the best method based on your fitness level.

If you want to really build up your core strength, placing your hands on the ball is the way to do it.

So keep these quick tips in mind as you perform your push-up training. Doing so will help you make sure you are going to be seeing the best results possible and staying injury free as you add this to your workout routine.

Although managing your disease can be very challenging, Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. You can make simple changes to your daily routine and lower both your weight and your blood sugar levels. Hang in there, the longer you do it, the easier it gets.

For nearly 25 years Beverleigh Piepers has searched for and found a number of secrets to help you build a healthy body. Go to http://DrugFreeType2Diabetes.com to learn about some of those secrets.

The answer isn't in the endless volumes of available information but in yourself.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Beverleigh_H_Piepers

How to Gain Large Amounts of Muscle in the Shortest Time

To gain large amounts of muscle mass in the shortest time possible there are a few things you must do. There are many factors to take into account when gaining muscle, top build the most amount of muscle in the quickest time you must use the best practices and methods available and discard anything that doesn't work. This article will tell you the most effective ways of adding large amounts muscle quickly.

Eat big

Eat a lot of high quality food and protein to fuel your muscles with the building blocks they need to recover and grow. Eat more calories than your burn per day to successfully add muscle mass to your frame every day.

Food is anabolic; in the same way that you must put overload on your muscles in the gym you must overload your body with healthy foods. Gaining muscle takes a lot of energy and nutrients; you must provide enough of theses so your body can optimally grow.

Eat plenty of high quality protein with every meal. Protein is the only macro nutrient your body can use to build muscle to give it to your body. Drink protein shakes post workout and between meals to give your body a boost in overall protein levels throughout the day.

Train hard

Train your muscles hard in order to get them to react to the workouts. You must force them to growth in strength and size. Make your workouts intense. Lift heavy weights using big compound exercises.

Train at least 3 times a week and dedicated set days to different body parts for full focus on those parts each day. Every week increase the intensity to create progressive overload on the muscles, this will shock them into growth every week.


You must provide sufficient rest in order for your muscles to grow optimally. Your muscles grow out of the gym. Less is more when it comes to building muscle mass. Leave 48 hours between workouts and don't allow yourself to over train. If your muscles are still sore and fatigued leave the workout till another day, it is far better to rest a bit more than to get stuck in an over trained state or worse get injured.

Get plenty of quality sleep. This is when your body really gets to work. This is when most of the hormones are released to aid in growth. Follow theses 3 principles consistently and you will have large amounts of muscle mass quickly.

For more information about building muscle through the use of a paleo/primal diet and high intensity training visit: MuscleBulkUp.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ben_Pickering-Watson

How to Gain Muscle Fast: High Protein Muscle Building Diet Plan 1

You have been pounding it out at the gym for years. You are trying to pack on muscle. Yet year after year, you meet very little, if any success. Don't worry, this is the case for most bodybuilding trainees. It is my goal to clear the air about a lot of the issues that are blocking your progress. One article at a time. I will shed some much needed light on items such as diet, training, recuperation, and many other items crucial to your bodybuilding success. Information you need to know in order to build muscle. If you just started working out, then you are reading this article just in time.

My intention for this article is to lay out a basic, day to day eating plan. You will notice the emphasis on protein. Don't ever let anybody fool you by trying to tell you that you do not need much extra protein in order to build muscle. Reality is that you need to eat a lot of protein in order to successfully build muscle.

The human body likes 'normalcy'. If you are a grown man and you currently weigh 180 pounds... your body is going to try to stay at 180 pounds. Changing your physique requires radical measures. This includes proper training stimulus along with a protein intake that will support muscle growth.

With that being said, here is a fine example of a 'protein productive' day:

Meal 1: 4 whole eggs, 1 cup cottage cheese, 1 can of tuna, sardines, or small package of salmon, 2 pieces whole grain bread

Meal 2: 1 cup cottage cheese, 1 scoop whey protein powder, 1 piece whole grain bread

Meal 3: Large green salad, 1 whole avocado, 8 ounces chicken breast

Meal 4: 1 cup cottage cheese or 2 containers of Greek yogurt, 2 servings of canned tuna, sardines, or salmon, 1 scoop whey protein powder

Meal 5: Red meat, fish, or poultry of choice, veggies, salad, etc.

Extras: If it is a workout day, you should make sure to have 2 scoops of whey protein powder before you workout. Likewise, a minimum of 2 scoops of whey protein powder immediately after your workout is complete. Not 15 or 30 minutes after your workout is done. You should be drinking down your post workout protein drink within 2 minutes of the completed workout. You are best off to choose a plain or vanilla protein powder for your post workout drink. Reason is that you can mix that drink with grape juice. Grape juice is superb post workout to help speed recovery.

This is just one of many great examples. If you don't like cottage cheese, or any other food in this sample diet, simply replace it with a food of similar protein content.

At http://www.trueprotein.com you will get the BEST protein at the CHEAPEST prices when you use DISCOUNT CODE: DVM089

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_P_Morrow

How to Build Chest Muscle Lightning Fast in 3 Easy Steps

If you've been trying to build chest muscle but aren't seeing the gains you were looking for then there are a few key steps you can take to build chest muscle in lightning speed.

How to Build Chest Muscle Step I - Dissect your chest work out

If you want to build chest muscle you have to dissect your chest workout. Your chest which consists of your pectorals "pecs" are pretty big muscles, which means you're going to have work out different parts of your chest "one at a time" if you want maximum results and the fastest gains possible.

It's real simple. All you have to do is break down your chest workout or chest exercises to work out the 4 main parts of your chest.

These 4 parts are your upper chest, your lower chest, your inner chest and your outer chest.

Here are a few exercises you can use to build chest muscle very quickly.

Upper Chest Muscle Exercises

- Incline Barbell Bench press - Military Dumbbell Presses - Incline Dumbbell Flyes

Lower Chest Muscle Exercises

- Decline Barbell Bench press - Parallel Bar Dips - Decline Dumbbell Flyes

Inner Chest Muscle Exercises

- Standing Cable Crossovers - Flat Bench Dumbbell Flyes

Outer Chest Muscle Exercises

- Flat Bench Barbell Presses - Flat Bench Dumbbell Flyes

By dissecting your chest workout in this way you will not only build chest muscle fast but you build ALL the different areasof your chest muscle which leads to a bigger, stronger and wider chest.

How to Build Chest Muscle Step II - Work Your Chest to Failure

If you want to build chest muscle, you have to train your chest to failure. If you don't know what I mean, it's very simple. You have to push your chest muscles to the point where it is unable to do any more reps on its own during that set.

This is why you also NEED a spotter - someone to help you when your muscles fail during an exercise. For example, if you're bench pressing and your muscles fail halfway on your last rep, you want someone there to assist you, so you can keep pushing even though your muscles have failed - that's the key to unlocking HUGE muscle gains.

When you train your chest muscle to failure like this, your body says "Woe, I better start sending more nutrients (protein, water, calories, etc.) to build my chest muscles so next time we deal with this stress (weight training to failure), it won't be as strenuous as last time". Training like this can and will lead to HUGE chest muscle gains quickly.

How to Build Chest Muscle Step III - Don't Cheat on Your "Negatives"

What are "negatives"? - Negatives are the eccentric or lowering phase of your particular exercise. For example, if you were bench pressing, your negative would be when you are lowering the barbell once you've reached the top. In other words, negative is the motion you take after you have contracted your targeted muscle (in this case lowering the barbell after we have contracted our chest muscle to push the barbell to the top).

Most people use gravity during negatives instead of having a controlled movement downward. This is what I call "cheating your negatives" and it's also hazardous to your muscles. Think about it, if you just finished pushing a 150lb barbell upward, it'll be pretty dangerous and "useless" when you're trying to build muscle if you just relaxed your chest muscles as soon as you were about to lower that barbell it.

Instead, take your time and bring the weight down in a controlled motion and try to really feel the burning in your chest muscle as you lower the weight thus stretching and really targeting your chest muscles as a result.

Remember, it's not quantity but quality. Think about it, you could lift 30 pounds ten times with poor form or 30 pounds six times with proper form, and you would notice much better results with the latter example

So don't cheat yourself out of building the massive chest you desire by cheating on your negatives - this is when much of the pressure is being put on your muscles, so don't "wimp out".

To anyone who wants to learn how to build chest muscle and quickly at that simply follow these 3 simple steps and you'll be on the road to a massive chest in no time.

Copyright 2006 Richard Knight

This article has been written by Richard Knight, a “former skinny guy” and weight gain consultant. Richard teaches other “Average Joes” step by step how to build lean muscle mass in 28 days FLAT with his own weight gain system. Get his FREE tips today. www.skinny2massive.com [http://www.skinny2massive.com]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Richard_Knight

Weight Loss Workout Program Success Secrets

Fiction and misinformation continue to riddle the weight loss workout program world causing frustration to so many good intentioned individuals who are striving for ultimate fat loss. Yes, people are being misled regarding the most effective, efficient way to workout for fat loss. Some just settle for sub-par results while a majority just give up altogether.

Today is the day you are going to get the fitness help you deserve in order to melt away unwanted fat in the best manner possible. In the article below you will be empowered with evidence based weight loss workout plan success secrets. Following these success secrets will quickly help propel you towards the body fat loss results you deserve.

Incorporate the following principles into your weight loss workout program:

1. Construct your fat loss workout, and plan for success.

In order to increase your chances of reaching your goal it is critical to plan your weight loss fitness program out on paper prior to beginning. Make sure you have a strength training component, cardiovascular component, and a specific schedule as to when you are going to conduct your exercise sessions. Set yourself up for success so you can increase the likelihood of keeping your commitment.

Part of this initial process is to set your goals in writing. You have to know exactly where you are going prior to starting your fat loss journey.

If you need help constructing your fitness program I highly recommend consulting a qualified fitness professional.

Please understand that your weight loss workout program should also contain specific nutrition modifications in order for your body to see the desired fat loss adaptations. You can simply not out-train a bad diet. Without a caloric deficit you will not lose body fat quickly.

2. Make sure your fat loss workout program has a strength training component built into it.

Forget the old recommendation of walking on a treadmill for hours. If you want the most effective way of melting away body fat, then incorporate progressive resistance training, or strength training.

It is important to perform multi-jointed exercises which help burn more calories, and involve many more muscles. Adding more muscle to your body will help elevate your metabolism as well as strengthen your entire body. Strength training is a great workout for fat loss because you get more bang for the buck.

I recommend your weight loss workout program strength training component to include 2 non-consecutive days each week for a duration of approximately 20 minutes. Your goal should be to start out easy, and progress over time by raising the number of reps, or weight.

Strength training is an important part of any fat loss program. Make sure it is part of your overall weight loss program.

3. Use HIIT, and or metabolic conditioning for maximum fat burning.

Long slow cardiovascular exercise is a thing of the past. Research has shown that metabolic conditioning is a much more effective fat, and calorie burner than long, slow cardio such as walking. Research shows you get greater benefit in much less time.

Metabolic conditioning is when you do multi-jointed exercises back to back to back without rest. They are called intervals. If fitness for fat loss is your main goal, then consider adding at least one day of metabolic conditioning each week. Adding this to your weight loss workout program will help burn more calories not only now, but for hours after the training session.

The only time you want to utilize long, slow cardio is when you are just beginning, and have never exercised before. Your goal should be to eventually build up to metabolic conditioning workouts. Exercise is about progression.

4. Make sure you are getting proper post workout nutrition for maximum fat loss.

Your weight loss workout program should consider post exercise nutrition. After your progressive resistance training sessions it is important for you to begin the recovery, and regeneration process immediately following the training session. That means consuming carbohydrates, and protein. Doing so will set off the protein synthesis process so you can add more metabolically active lean tissue.

Always focus on your post workout nutrition after each fat loss workout. You can supplement with whey protein, or even drink chocolate milk if cost is an issue.

5. Focus closely on your nutrition program.

The fact is 90% of weight loss is proper nutrition, and 10% exercise. Therefore, if you don't change your diet, then don't expect much fat loss.

For maximum nutrition results to burn more fat simply decrease your carbohydrates, and increase your lean protein intake. Think protein with each meal, and plenty of fruits, and vegetables. Limit the corn based carbohydrates.

In order to lose weight you must be in a calorie deficit. Just by limiting carbs, and increasing protein will help you decrease your daily calories. You should strive for a deficit of 500 calories per day for best results.

If melting body fat is your main fitness goal, then incorporate the weight loss workout program success secrets mentioned above. By doing so you will be guaranteed to be on the most effective, efficient fat loss workout plan possible.

Click here weight loss workout program to receive the top 20 fat loss fitness myths, in video, that sabotage results. Protect your weight loss results now.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jim_O'Connor

Dr Suzanne Gudakunst's Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Review - 2 Major Flaws Found

Top Secret Fat Loss Secret, by Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst is a fat loss program that reveals natural methods of losing unwanted pounds of fat. There is no doubt that her methods work. By relieving your system from all of the "junk" it has accumulated over the years, you will definitely lose several pounds in as quick as one week.

The "secrets" revealed in Top Secret Fat Loss Secret are real eye openers about the dangers of the toxic buildup occurring in our bodies from intake of processed, unnatural foods.

As someone who has been on a strict natural foods diet for the past 5 years, I had former knowledge of the topic before I read Top Secret Fat Loss Secret. I was looking for a product to recommend to my friends who were overweight, and wanted to lose fat and start living an overall healthy lifestyle.

I was looking for something that was easy to read, accurate, and easy to apply in real life. Top Secret Fat Loss Secret met most of my criteria, but was missing 2 very important parts. Before I could recommend Top Secret Fat Loss Secret to my friends, I had to personally create solutions to fill in the gaps. Honestly, this product would be a wasted investment without them. Top Secret Fat Loss Secret will absolutely help one lose weight fast, but without solutions to the 2 missing elements, the pounds will just come right back.

Top Secret Fat Loss Secret is a great start. Dr. Suzanne knows her stuff and presents it in a way that is easy to understand. Although I had former knowledge of the topic before read it, I picked up a bunch of things I didn't know. She is truly an expert in her field, and Top Secret Fat Loss Secret is the real deal.

Here are some of the topics Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Covers:

* What is your metabolic type? Everyone has a unique metabolic type that determines how your body responds to certain foods. Two people with different metabolic types can eat the same foods, but one person can gain weight, while the other person doesn't.

* Your colon & liver are full of toxic buildup - Due to all the toxins in today's foods, your body's own natural detoxification system can no longer keep up and remove the toxins at the rate they are being ingested (that means the body will keep gaining weight until the toxins are first removed...Top Secret Fat Loss Secret explains how and tells explains what combination of specials herbs that will clean out your system).

* Parasites are most likely in you right now - It is estimated that over 85% of the population have parasites living in them right this minute. It is these parasites that keep a person from losing weight.

In Top Secret Fat Loss Secret, Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst pulls no punches and gives the plain truth on what is really happening inside your body. Many of the concepts in Top Secret Fat Loss Secret are not common knowledge and are opposite of conventional wisdom, which can be overwhelming for the newbie.

Even with this mass amount of information, there were 2 missing parts in Top Secret Fat Loss Secret.

I honestly couldn't believe Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst left these out of Top Secret Fat Loss Secret. Not only does her book aim to help people lose fat, but it urges them to achieve optimal health. This is where Top Secret Fat Loss Secret falls short.

Top Secret Fat Loss Secret explains how to cleanse your body, but fails to go into detail on how to maintain it. Once the body cleanse is completed, it is obvious that day to day maintenance will be required.

To fill in the gap for my friends, I wrote a guide book called "Natural Health Lifestyle: Putting It Altogether," specifically to complement the material in Top Secret Fat Loss Secret. This guide book serves as a road map to maintaining health goals and truly integrating them into one's day to day lifestyle. Sure, in Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Dr. Suzanne explains the larger concepts of what to do to get your body clean, but she doesn't tell you specifically what foods and brands to eat, which I've come to know in the last 5 years. My guide book does, and helped my friends fill in the gaps of Top Secret Fat Loss Secret.

Some of the topics in my guide book that will help one integrate the principles of Top Secret Fat Loss Secret are:

* How to read nutrition labels - This is the key to keeping the weight off. Without understanding which ingredients are in different food products, it is impossible to control what goes in your body.

* Natural food alternatives - There are many alternatives to refined sugar, salt, and dairy products that are excellent for eating, cooking and/or baking. This section explains what to look for in foods that are good and bad for your body.

* Simple recipes & sample meal plans - I put together a simple collection of east-to-prepare recipes that my friends could make. I also laid out the best times to eat them and with what food combinations. Eating the right combination of food is just as important as what is being eaten.

Knowing the types of sugary and salty of foods my friends like to eat, I had to create a guidebook that made implementing the steps of a healthy lifestyle very attainable. After reading my guide, many of my friends realized that their diets were completely opposite of what they should be!

The second missing element is that Top Secret Fat Loss Secret preaches that exercise is necessary to achieving a healthy lifestyle, but Dr. Suzanne isn't a fitness expert and doesn't try to be. That is why Top Secret Fat Loss Secret is very vague when explaining the need for proper exercise. I was concerned that my friends would try and create their own personal workout plan, but I knew that they didn't have the necessary professional knowledge to do so.

I found a solution for this. A colleague of mine who is a Certified Personal Trainer and Nutrition Specialist has written an excellent exercise and fitness guide book that serves as the perfect supplement to Top Secret Fat Loss Secret.

This guide is called Training and Nutrition Insider: Secrets For A Lean Body. It filled with true nuggets of information that will jump start anyone on their path to a healthy lifestyle.

Here are some topics the book covers:

* Good cardio vs. bad cardio - "Bad" cardio can actually keep you from losing weight? The author goes into detail on why certain types of cardio exercises have significantly better results than others.

* Isolated vs. compound exercises - Why compound, multi-joint exercises will increase strength and metabolic rate, while isolated exercises can actually weaken the body and lead to injury.

* Non-traditional, fat burning workouts - The human body actually gets bored of doing the same old exercises every workout. The author presents exciting, innovative workouts that will keep the body guessing...and rapidly burning fat as a result.

* Don't be afraid of saturated fat - Eating an adequate supply of healthy dietary fats is vitally important to overall health. He reveals why everyone should consume this particular type of fat contrary to what all conventional-thinking doctors have to say.

The book is a complete wealth of information.

As you can see, Top Secret Fat Loss Secret provides an abundance of knowledge that will blow your mind. But, it is lacking in 2 areas: a detailed day-to-day nutrition plan and a detailed exercise plan.

With these 2 guidebooks that fill in the gaps, I can now confidently recommend Top Secret Fat Loss Secret to my friends and anyone who want to get healthy.

Jessie Sanders is a natural foods/healthy living expert. After experiencing drastic health benefits from switching to a natural foods diet 5 years ago, Jessie is motivated to share this health regimen to the world. She recommends Top Secret Fat Loss Secret to anyone looking to clean their body of dangerous toxins, lose weight and achieve optimum health. However, Jessie found 2 major flaws with Top Secret Fat Loss Secret and has created a solution for each. She does not recommend using Top Secret Fat Loss Secret without these 2 key tools, which are only available from Jessie's site [http://www.secrettofatloss.com/index.htm?bkw={keyword}&src=ezine&med=art&cam=fatlosspresell]. To find out how you can get these 2 tools for free, please visit http://www.SecretToFatLoss.com [http://www.secrettofatloss.com/index.htm?bkw={keyword}&src=ezine&med=art&cam=fatlosspresell].

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jessie_Sanders

5 Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Tips - How to Lose Weight Naturally

Top Secret Fat Loss Secret is a great natural treatment to detox your body and flush the system of harmful toxins and living worms breeding in your stomach. Not only will you shed weight using Dr Suzanne's Top Secret Fat Loss Secret, you body will be much healthier and cleansed.

However, at the completion of the treatment, it is necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle to keep the weight off . And to do that, you just have to eat sensibly.

Below are 5 more essential tips that will show you how to lose weight naturally, and keep the weight off -

1. Getting the correct nutrition is essential to any successful diet and exercise plan and fruit, veg and starchy foods will provide you with all the necessary nutrients needed. Starchy foods should be around a third of your daily diet and just as important is eating different types of starchy foods. They are an excellent way of getting the energy that your body needs and of also getting fiber, calcium, iron and Vitamin B which are all essential for a well balanced diet.

2. Carbohydrates can be our enemy when on a diet but they can also be our friend. Good carbs are the the wholemeal kinds, vegetables and fruits. Carbs play a vital role in how the bodies metabolism is functioning. When we limit the number of carbs, our metabolism will start to drop drastically in order to preserve calories (the body thinks it's starving!). This will be fat burning to a halt - not what we want. In order to keep the metabolism and fat burning running at maximum level it's best to cycle carbs during the week.

3. Don't eat the same meals every day - just mix it up to maintain motivation - and make it enjoyable. Give yourself a favorite treat each week, like a piece of mud cake. No diet is perfect - but as long as you enjoy it in moderation. Just make sure you get straight back to your plans and exercise.

4. Choose beverages and foods that moderate your intake of sugar. More and more of our calories are coming from sugar, especially sodas and energy drinks. These provide no nutrition, just unwanted calories. So ditch the drinks including the diet kinds, and drink plenty of water, green tea or for more flavor go for the healthy smoothies.

5. Get active - Although Top Secret Fat Loss Secret is a great fat loss program, you still need to be active. So say no to boring cardios - instead start working out hard using a combination of high intensity interval training and complex movement strength training. Not only do the workouts require less time (roughly 45 minutes), research has shown that high intensity workouts are far more effective than the traditional cardios. Whether you are female or male, get onto it now.

If You Want Sure-Fire Ways on How to Lose Weight Naturally,Visit Top Secret Fat Loss Secret [http://www.topsecret-fatloss-secretreviews.info] at [http://www.topsecret-fatloss-secretreviews.info] For The Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Diet And Discover The Reason You Can't Lose Weight has Nothing to Do With Your Will-Power, Over-Eating or the Right Diet! ... The Reason You are Fat and Unhealthy is Because You Have Disgusting Plaque and Horrible Little 'CRITTERS' Living in Your Guts!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jason_Oh

Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Review - Detox Weight Loss Program

You have probably heard of the Top Secret Fat Loss Secret program. It is a new diet guide released recently by an expert, called Dr Suzanne Gudakunst and so far it has received numerous good reviews and feedback.

1. How Is The Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Different Than Other Programs?

The Top Secret Fat Loss Secret is a detox weight loss program that teaches you how to lose weight, but also how to eat properly and be healthy. The main goal of the program is to inform us on the worms, bacteria and parasites that reside in our colon, bowel and intestines and that prevent our metabolism from working properly. Therefore, the body cannot lose weight and cannot improve its functionality, gaining weight and increasing the levels of fat around our organs and areas of our body.

2. The Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Analyzed.

The program is a particularly sensible and healthy eating plan able to prevent the highs and lows that accompany blood sugar levels: following this diet was shown to keep their blood sugar levels. This is a particularly positive weight loss method that enables you to achieve permanent weight loss in the healthiest possible way. Again, the carbohydrate is the diet's focus. Fast release foods include baked potatoes, honey and sugar and each of these have been assigned a high GI value.

Following a low GI diet as suggested by the program keeps you feeling satisfied and is a healthy diet to follow. If you combine a food with a particularly low GI food and eat it with a higher valued GI food, the overall content of your meal will be lowered allowing your digestive system to handle the food better and receive only the necessary nutrients, dissolving fat before it sits on our organs.

3. Should You Get The Top Secret Fat Loss Secret?

As a result of following the program you will be able to prevent the birth and multiplying of parasites that live in the colon and intestines and that disturb the metabolic abilities of our body.

The program is an eBook of 48 pages, easy to read and with easy to follow instructions.

Is Top Secret Fat Loss Secret a scam? Visit http://www.millionsreview.com/top-secret-fat-loss-secret-review.html to read a FREE report and find out the truth about this Fat Loss Secret!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Thomas_K

Best Arm Workouts to Build Muscle Fast - Hardgainer Tips

Best Arm Workouts to Build Muscle Fast - Hardgainer Tips

How long have you been trying to get 'guns' with no success?

If you try to follow the latest arm workouts in your standard 'muscle mag', it's pretty hard to get the results you want.

You see, most of those pro bodybuilders you see in there are on 'the juice!' (steroids)

But don't stress - here are the simple, tried-and-true muscle building techniques that have allowed MANY ordinary guys to pack on some serious mass to their upper arms, WITHOUT drugs or supplements. Follow along and you can too!

First, we will look at the best upper arm exercises for gaining muscle.

Next, we will put these exercises together into a couple sample muscle building workouts.

Finally, we will touch on proper nutrition and rest, which are ESSENTIAL to gaining muscle.

So, let's get started...

Step #1 - Best Arm Workouts - Best Arm Exercises

So, if you want to get 'big guns,' you have to do hundreds of curls, right?


Isolation exercises are great once you have already established a base level of muscle mass, but until then, we want to stimulate the growth of our arm muscles by hitting them with HEAVY compound movements.

Heavy Weights Stimulate Muscle Growth

Your muscles will not be fully activated by an exercise unless the weight you are moving is heavy enough to require MAXIMAL EFFORT.

In one study, researchers found that most moderate intensity exercises only caused the medial head of the triceps to activate. It was only when the weight was dramatically increased that the lateral and long heads of the triceps were activated.

As a general rule, the more weight you are moving with an exercise, the more that weight will stimulate your muscles to grow.

So, for now, skip those triceps pushdowns and bicep concentration curls, and instead focus on close grip bench press, weighted dips, weighted body rows, weighted pullups, and heavy dumbbell rows (skip heavy barbell rows since they can place excessive strain on your lower back).

Step #2 - Sample Arm Workouts

Believe it or not, you should DEFINITELY include a heavy, total body lift such as the deadlift or squat in your workouts for the upper arm.

These lifts cause the body's anabolic (muscle-building) hormones to be released, priming your body to respond to the workout by packing on muscle mass.

Be sure to get some instruction in proper form (check YouTube for some excellent tutorials).

Workout #1

After taking 10 minutes or so to warm up (do some bodyweight squats, easy sets of pushups and pullups)

1. Deadlift - 2 sets 6-8 reps

2.a.Weighted Body Rows - 3 sets 6-8 reps (superset this with the following exercise)

2.b.Weighted Decline (feet up) pushups - 3 sets 6-8 reps (use blast straps, a suspension trainer, or rings for greater difficulty)

3. Close Grip Bench Press - 3 sets 6-8 reps

This workout is more geared towards the pushing movements, focusing more on triceps and shoulders.

Rest a couple days, and then...

Workout #2

Warm up, then...

1. Squat - 2 sets 6-8 reps

2.a. Weighted Pull ups - 3 sets 6-8 reps (superset this with the following movement)

2.b. Handstand pushups or Military Press (dumbbell or barbell) - 3 sets 6-8 reps

3. Hammer Curls - 2 sets 6-8 reps

As you can see, this workout is more geared towards pulling motions, and as a result, develops the biceps.

Ideally, you want to periodize intensity of your workouts as the weeks and months go by (and even during a week of working out). Do a Google search for "micro-periodization" for more details on how to plan this.

Step #3 - Rest and Diet for Maximum Muscle Gain

Proper rest and recovery is ESSENTIAL to gaining muscle with your arm workouts. Remember, you grow while you are recovering, not while you are working out!

One problem that many hardgainers have is NOT RESTING ENOUGH between workouts. So train hard in brief, intense sessions, then rest and let your body bounce back.


Get at least 8 hours of sleep per night. Sleeping less than this reduces testosterone levels and thus harms your muscle growth.


Eat around 20 times your bodyweight in calories - if you are 150 lbs, eat 3000 calories per day.

1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight is a good rule of thumb, as is getting 20-30% of your calories from fat and 2-4 grams of carbohydrate per pound of bodyweight.

Keep track of what and how much you are eating so you can adjust your nutrition as you go along.

Summing it all up...

So, now you have a good idea of what are the best arm exercises for maximum muscle gain. You also have a couple workouts to try out, and know how to take advantage of diet and rest to optimize your lean muscle mass building.

All that's left for you to do is get out there and do it!

See how you can build lean muscle mass in less than 3 hours per week.

Download my latest ebook, No BS Muscle Building Secrets, FREE for a limited time.

Take care and good luck!


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ian_Nagy

The Best Bodybuilding Workouts to Gain Muscle Mass Fast

Training with free weights and bodyweight exercises is the best way to gain muscle mass fast. Using fancy machines typically puts the body into a stabilized position so that it isolates 1 muscle group but then there is less stimulation of the core and secondary assisting muscles. The best bodybuilding workouts always use heavy multiple joint exercises which not only work a primary muscle group but several other muscles get involved to accomplish the lift.

Bodybuilding workouts for mass or strength should always include the heavy basics like deadlights, squats, dips, and pull ups or chins. If you want to gain muscle mass effectively and quickly you need to incorporate these into your routines. Many guys shun these exercises because they are difficult, require good form, and may even be embarrassed by the light weights they have to start with. Don't worry about the weight because once you start doing these exercises you will need to add plates quickly as the weeks go by. Adding additional plates making you stronger forces the muscles to adapt and continue to get bigger each month. I can't emphasize enough the importance of how the best bodybuilding workouts rely on these heavy exercises to beef up the entire body.

A guy that hasn't gained an ounce a muscle in months could grow like a weed if he skipped all the glamour muscle exercises and spent a few months getting his hands dirty with heavy deadlifts. This muscle building exercise not only builds the lower back and hamstrings but adds slabs of muscle to the entire back, shoulders, traps, and even the arms. It requires an enormous amount of power and muscle synergy to lift a heavy bar off of the floor and when done right you get a full body workout. This is the kind of movement that the human body most recognizes as something it needs to adapt to quickly by gaining muscle. Even bodyweight exercises like dips and feet elevated push ups can be more effective than many of the machines and the fancy movements inexperienced trainees are attempting.

The best bodybuilding workouts focus on getting back to basics so try this routine to gain muscle fast.


Deadlifts 5 x 5

Pull ups 4 x 8

Barbell Rows 4 x 6

Dumbbell Curls 4 x 8


Weighted Dips 5 x 5

Incline Flyes 4 x 8

Incline Dumbell Press 4 x 8

Lying Triceps Extension 4 x 8


Squats 4 x 12

Stiff Legged Deadlift 3 x 12

Bulgarian Split Squat 3 x 12

Seated Calf Raise 4 x 12

It can be very taxing to do heavy deadlifts the same week as heavy squats so in order to enhance recovery and work the muscle fibers differently you'll notice that Monday is a heavy day for back and Friday uses lighter weights and higher reps for legs. You then have the weekend to recover prior to deadlifting again. You do this for 3 weeks and then reverse the rep scheme for Mondays workout to Fridays workout. This way for 6 weeks you can hit your major muscle groups with higher and lower reps.

Get Huge and Gain Muscle Mass Fast with the Best Bodybuilding Workouts

Gain Muscle Mass Fast with more articles on the latest and greatest muscle building supplements, muscle building articles, and strength development. Get in shape for your sport or just look great on the beach.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rick_Porter

3 Best Exercises to Build Huge Chest Muscle Fast

Are you desperately looking for exercises how to build chest muscles fast? Many programs will teach you what exercises you should perform to build chest muscles fast but doesn't emphasize the importance of variety! I will show you my 3 best exercises to build chest and advanced shocking principles that will make your chest muscle to grow in the next 4 weeks!

But before we go any further, I will give you some very potential chest building tips that you must take seriously if you want to build chest muscles fast!

In order to build chest muscles fast, it requires training with a variety of exercises. You will need to hit each part of your chest muscle including, upper, lower, inner and outer head to fully develop your chest! This kind of variety will shock your chest muscle and prevent adaptation, which means your muscle will refuse to grow.

Make your chest workout plentiful! Never train your chest in the same way more than two weeks. Your muscles will adapt in the same workout and it becomes harder to make them grow! One good way to shock your chest muscle is to pre-exhaust your chest by doing some lighter isolation exercises like dumbbell flys before at the beginning of your workout.

Keep your workouts progressive! This might be the hardest part to implement, but it's the key to build a bigger chest. I see very often, how guys are desperately trying to build their chest by doing countless sets of bench presses using the same weight week after week. And the results will remain the same.

Train chest using free weights. In the early of 70's, bodybuilders tend to built their massive chest using nothing but free weights, and the fact holds true in these days. Although many gym are loaded full of modern machines. You can of course train chest with machines, but keep it as a secondary option. My 3 exercises to build chest consist of free and heavy compound movements that stimulates the largest amount of chest muscles, Period!

Another mistake I see often, is the poor lifting technique. Lifting weights incorrectly, you are not effectively targeting your pecs and therefore not recruit enough muscle fibers that is essential if you want to build chest muscle fast. Train your chest through the full range of motion and therefore you will able to stimulate your chest muscle to it's fullest and maximize the muscle growth!

Now, here's my 3 best exercises along with the techniques, how to build a huge chest fast!

1. Barbell Flat Bench Press - This is the king of all chest exercises and should be included in your chest workout routine if you truly want to build a bigger chest fast! And if you follow the tips above, you are going to expect amazing results!

However, I found that alternating the width of the grip, you will hit the different areas of the pecs and help you to build chest muscles fast. Using narrower than a shoulder width, will target more your triceps and inner chest, where a wider grip will target more your outer chest. One more technique that I use is an overwide grip. It allows me to stretch my pecs to it's maximum.

Learn to lift heavy weights. I have always performed bench presses using a powerlifting style and thereby was able to add 200 pounds to my bench press within 3 years of training. I mainly perform low reps 5-8 and use a variety of intensive techniques like supersets and drop sets.

Lower the bar toward your chest slowly under control until it touches just below the pec muscles. At the bottom of the position, make sure to point your elbows slightly outward and keep your forearms end up perpendicular to the floor. Press the weight back up explosively but under full control.

2. Incline Barbell Bench Press - If you want to build upper chest fast, incline barbell press is the answer! And especially barbell press, which allows to use heavy weights! This exercise build the strength and mass in the middle and upper pecs.

Changing the angle of the bench, you are putting more stress to your front delts, which is not the purpose of the incline press. However, front will be involved in pressing movements, but the higher the angle, the more your delts will take the role of lifting!

To Build strength and mass to your pecs, you can start by using a lower angle and as you progress, you can increase the angle. This will produce the the kind of total development that build chest muscles fast and equally!

3. Parallel Bar Dips - To build overall mass to your pecs, especially in the lower area. It also develops triceps. Include parallel bar dips in your chest workout routine! In my opinion this exercise stress lower pecs harder than decline bench press, because you are using your own bodyweight toward the gravity and therefore your entire upper body will remain contracted!

Lower yourself slowly as far as you can until you feel your pecs completely stretched. Lowering yourself too fast will put the stress to your shoulder joints. Press yourself back up to the starting position, and immediately start another rep. You can use additional weight to add more resistance. The farther you lean yourself, the greater stretch you will feel in your chest!

If you have problems with your shoulders, this exercise is not for you. You can get similar effects doing decline bench press, where you set the angle of the bench sloping downwards.

Many people have been shocked of how quickly I was able to transform my body..
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I also reveal the secrets how I went from 150lb to a 195lb in a two years!

So, make sure to subscribe at Mybodybuildingjourney.com
I can also find videos on YouTube how to build chest muscles

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Petri_Olsson

How To Get Ripped And Lose Body Fat Fast

Getting ripped is something that most men wish to accomplish even if it's only for a short while in their lives.

There are guys who go to the gym religiously with dreams of getting that lean, chiseled body. But no matter how often they go to the gym, they just can't seem to get it done.

Many folks are unaware that going to the gym just isn't as important as what you're doing to lose body fat. There are people who do not even bother with the gym and yet they have a body that most guys envy.

You see, you have to lower the body fat in order to get ripped. This is all important on account of no matter how you many sets and reps you do in the weightroom, you'll never see the washboard with that layer of fat on top of it.

People think that people with ripped bodies didn't have to work for it because "it's in their genes".

Well, that's just an excuse that a lot of guys make because they don't want to do what it takes to get them the ripped bodies that they admire.

Most of the guys who are ripped have very little body fat due to an active lifestyle.

The road to getting a ripped body is a huge challenge because a person has to be extremely active and follow a diet that is low in fat.

Lose body fat by running

One of the best ways to shed unwanted body fat is by running, but not merely running for a few minutes and then walking the rest of the way.

You have to learn how to change up the pattern of your running to make your heart work harder.

Going on a run-walk-run routine that alternates every 30 seconds is a whole lot better way to melt away body fat than just plain running, in as much as it causes your heart to work harder, thus spiking your metabolism which in turn burns more fat.

Lose body fat with resistance training

The way to get muscle tone without bulking up too much is to do resistance training.

Lifting weights will help you bulk up by enlarging your muscles but resistance training makes your muscles stronger without necessarily making them bulge.

Increasing the weights that you lift will make you heavier sooner or later because of the muscle that you acquire. On the other hand, lifting light weights with more reps will basically firm up your muscles.

See how it works? This way you'll be muscular and strong without looking like the Hulk.

Proper diet

Eating the appropriate portions of food is probably the most important thing. Some of us aren't blessed with the genes of a thin person, so we need to work a lot harder to lose body fat.

We'll have to reduce our intake of simple sugar and fat while increasing our protein to get ripped.

Forget about all those hyped up workouts in the muscle magazines that only work if you're a pro bodybuilder or on steroids. Forget about those over-hyped supplements.

Just make these tips. part of your lifestyle instead and you'll get the leaner, ripped body that you've been wishing for!

If you want to get a lean chiseled body, check out these tips to Get Ripped Abs the right way.


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tony_Cimba

Get a Ripped Body - Weight Training Workout

To get a ripped body in the shortest amount of time possible, you'll want to make sure and maximize all aspects of fitness at the same time. This includes not just weight training workouts and cardio workouts, but also diet plan, stretching and posture improvement training, muscle imbalance corrections and let's not forget, mental training.

Assuming you're taking the well-rounded approach to fitness and addressing the other needs simultaneously, today's article will focus on the perfect weight training workout that will offer the quickest path to a ripped body (given all other factors are addressed).

For this advanced weight training workout, you'll simply need a pair of heavy dumbbells or kettlebells, your body weight and a small amount of space. After a five minute warm-up that includes dynamic stretching, go ahead and give this highly effective workout a shot.

Get a Ripped Body - Weight Training Workout:

Complete the following exercises for six sets of six repetitions, resting just forty-five seconds in between sets:

A. Full get-ups - really focus on keeping the kettlebell (or dumbbell) straight above the shoulder; imagine you're holding a glass of water and your goal is to not spill a single drop of water throughout either phase of this advanced movement. Finish all reps for one side and then immediately complete reps for other side, then rest forty-five seconds, and repeat five times.

B. Farmer's step-ups - grab a heavy dumbbell or kettlebell in each hand and instead of walking (farmer's walk), step up and onto at least a 12" platform, step down and repeat. Note, this exercise should be done to failure (e.g. go for as many seconds as possible before setting the weights down, then rest forty-five seconds and repeat five times). Be sure to alternate the lead foot with each repetition.

C. One arm overhead side lunges - keeping your dumbbell or kettlebell straight overhead and directly above your shoulder, lunge laterally with same foot, making sure to get as deep as possible. Watch that you're not bending the elbow and lowering your extended arm during this lunge. Repeat all six reps for one side, switch immediately to other side, rest forty-five seconds and repeat five times.

D. Dumbbell push-up into one arm row combination - perform a strict push-up with your hands grasping a heavy pair of dumbbells. At the top of the push-up, contract your abdominal and lower back muscles hard as you form a tripod between both feet and your left arm, hereby preparing your body for the upcoming balance shift. Perform a one arm row with the right arm and resist the urge to tilt your back. Lower the dumbbell slowly to the ground, perform another push-up and then alternate rowing arm to left side. This is one repetition. Complete all six reps, rest forty-five seconds and repeat for a total of six sets.

This surely isn't the standard weight training routine you'd see most gym goers using. Then again, most avid trainees at the gym have less than impressive physiques. This advanced workout utilizes exercises that recruit a maximum amount of muscle fibers, which allows you to perform a large amount of work in a shorter period of time.

Additionally, all exercises are exceptional at working the abdominals and lower back, but in a way that is more functional to everyday activity (unlike crunches and other generic ab training movements). By going heavy, using total body movements and using brief rest periods, this weight training workout quickly becomes very metabolic, allowing you to target stubborn fat stores as well.

In the end, a more strategic workout plan like this allows you to get a ripped body in less time, assuming all other elements are in place. Train smarter and harder to set yourself apart and build an exceptional body.

Dr. Brad Campbell, CFT, PharmD recommends checking out the following resources to get ripped fast:

Tacfit Reviews [http://www.topfatlosstrainer.com/2010/03/02/tacfit-commando-bodyweight-workout-review/] to get a ripped body fast

Workout to Get Ripped [http://www.topfatlosstrainer.com/2009/12/30/lean-body-workout-sculpting-exercises-get-ripped/] Build a lean body quickly

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bradley_Campbell

The Truth About Liquid Diets and How to Get Ripped Fast and Shed Pounds!

Want to lose weight or get ripped fast? Considering going on a liquid diet to do so? Well before you make a final decision regarding your future intentions it is important to really no what you are doing, afterall it is your future health and well being at stake. The last thing you want to do is to invest your time and energy in to something that is not for you. Here we will outline the origins of liquid diets and track that right through to modern day and show you the positive and negatives of such an approach to weight loss. Here we go:

The first liquid diets can be traced back to the 1930s where Dr, Stoll's "Diet Aid" was promoted in beauty parlors of the time, next came the liquid protein diets in the 1970s like "The Last Chance Diet" which was followed by the low carb diets of the 1990s. Now in modern times the liquid diet tends to take the form of canned drinks bought from the local store.

Liquid days have not always been safe and indeed some people believe them still not to be. The real danger lies in the fact that a liquid diet may not yield you with all of the vitamins and minerals required to sustain life. Indeed 58 deaths were reported of adults in 1977 according to the FDA of people following these strict diets.

You would think such occurrences would put them out of favour for good but thanks to their various incarnations they keep returning in different forms and of course receive endless interest from people desperate to lose weight or get ripped fast. One company received over a million calls in one day following an Oprah Winfrey show in the 1980s when she let slip the name of the liquid diet program that she was using at the time, according to The New York Times.

Nowadays 100% liquid diets are generally not found in too many places rather they are usually involve the participant having to eat at least some complete whole food during a day but they are interspersed with canned liquid food drinks.

The effect of following them these days initially is that people may lose weight and sometimes even get ripped fast. However the part that is not true is that you cannot achieve the same results by simply following a diet of just complete whole food, you can. The other part is that following a liquid diet does not teach you how to keep the weight off in a healthy manner for life and in the long run these diets often do not work full stop, and here is why.

Some of these diets fall into the bracket of low calorie diets as well which means there is a short fall of between 800-1000 calories on what there every day energy requirements are.

What does this mean and why is this bad for weight loss, surely such a deficit would be good for weight loss? Unfortunately this is completely wrong and it is a trap that too many people fall into and it can ruin their weight loss attempts. Here is why:

1) Diets this low in calories will make your body initiate a 'starvation response'. When your body has a severely reduced intake of calories it reacts by trying to conserve the remaining energy that it does have and hold onto it in order to keep itself alive. It basically does this by slowing down the bodys metabolic rate and preparing to pile on weight as soon as it gets a chance. Both of these of course are completely opposed to weight loss.

2) Liquid diets do not teach the participant good dietary habits for life and only offer quick fix. This means that once the diet stops they tend to pile at least all of the weight back on! They can also develop unhealthy attitudes towards foods that make them suffer more in the long run.

3) Often the liquid diet supplement provides energy in the form of high sugar ingredients like corn syrup. This is the very refined sugar that is being blamed in the US for its high level of obesity in the general population. Do yourself a favour and check out the ingredients list at the very least! Health foods they are not.

4) Even if by chance you come across a wholesome healthy liquid diet supplement do your really think it is doing something that complete whole food cannot? It is not! All of the ingredients can be found in everyday foods, they do not contain any miracle weight loss formula, although that is often what their marketing would have you believe!

The only place the a liquid diet supplement could play is to provide you with calories at a time when you are in a rush and have no time to prepare a proper meal and with a bit of prior planning that need to can be avoided. Please bear in mind however that even the newest most expensive liquid powder drinks will never be as nutritional or well fortified with vitamins as regular food, we still can't beat mother nature in that score. In fact eating whole foods has a weight loss advantage in that it actually requires energy for the body to digest the food which a liquid diet does not require therefore aiding the process of burning off calories.

So, after all of this you might be asking yourself how exactly we should get ripped fast or go about losing weight permanently. The truth is that scientists have proven to us time and time again how the body works. They have shown us that working with the bodies systems rather than against them can guarantee weight loss. If this sounds like something you would like to know more about then follow the links below.

The author provides a highly acclaimed FREE 6 part weight loss mini-course available here: lean muscle building, burn the fat or get ripped fast.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=T_Ryan

How to Build Big Rock Hard Muscles Using the Ultimate Natural Male Pure Muscles Supplements

Building lean and big muscles can be a long painful enduring process with no results if you don't train right and eat right. Your muscles do not grow in the gym. It also needs lots of rests and nutrients to heal and maximize the growing potential. A diet rich in protein, healthy fat and carbs, vegetables, vitamins and minerals will help boost your muscles potential to grow bigger in the shortest period of time. Most of the time, taking natural supplements can save you plenty of time while getting the same amount of vitamins and nutrients required daily.

A high protein diet is a must if you want those big shoulders, chests and lean abs. If your muscles are small, you must provide enough protein and intense workouts for it to grow. The right protein intake daily should be 1.5 or double your body weight to push your muscles to grow. If need to shock your body and force your muscles to be in a growing mode.

In order to build lean, rock hard, big muscles, you must lose the fat layers around them. Cardiovascular exercises are great for this but you also need to combine it with the right fat burner supplements to maximize the results. These supplements are designed to give you the best natural ingredients needed for your body to melt all the fat away. Some of them are also great for detoxification and cleansing the wastes and toxins which are the main causes for your weight.

While most of us are too busy to prepare six small meals everyday, taking dietary supplements will help solve the problem. You can get the required protein and vitamins intake to build big muscles without spending hours of cooking and eating. It is also very important that you drink lots and lots of water and juice, preferably 1 to 2 gallons a day. You must make up for the amount of fluid lost doing workouts and digesting more food. Fail to get enough water can actually damages your muscles and prevent them from growing.

Supplements could be the perfect solution for people who try to build big muscles. If you are planning to take muscle supplements, you need to find out whether they are safe for your body. There are some good, some bad, and some just don't work. I suggest you stick more with the all natural ingredient supplements which have less unwanted side effects. As with protein supplements, I would recommend you to choose whey or egg protein over soy, as it tend to increase estrogen levels in your body.

For information on how to build big muscles, you can check out the official health review site and see what kind of supplements are best for you. You can get access to the top weight loss and muscle building supplements on the market. These are natural dietary supplements that are proven to work and safe for you body.

If you are ready to lose 10 pounds in weeks and gain serious muscle mass, click here to find out more.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=James_T_Clarkson

How To Build Up Muscle - 6 Quick Hot Tips for a Hard Body!

If you want to build up muscle, there are several easy to follow tips that I can recommend. Whether you already work out regularly and want to change your routine to building some bulk or whether you are a total beginner and just want to learn how to build up muscle, these tips will be invaluable.

Tip 1 -- work each set to exhaustion. When you work a set, make sure that your last repetition, or rep, is so difficult that you cannot do another one without a small break period between sets. This will ensure that the muscle fibres are worked so hard that they will need repair. It is this repair that will build up muscle mass.

Tip 2 -- increase protein intake. Protein is the basic building block for your body to repair the muscles after a workout and build up muscle. If you don't eat a lot of protein, you will simply wither away and not increase your muscle mass whatsoever.

Tip 3 -- do eight to twelve reps per set. A good guide is to perform a minimum of eight and no more than twelve repetitions per set. Too few reps means that you are resting too much and not working out enough. Too many reps means that you are not doing a big enough workout and will not build up muscle fast. If you are hitting twenty reps easily, you need to add more weight!

Tip 4 -- cottage cheese is a wonder food. Cottage cheese is great if you are body building. Sure, it tastes a bit strange, but it is low in carbs and fats and very high in protein. You can even get flavored cottage cheese these days or incorporate it into some simple recipes.

Tip 5 -- free weights rule! You can build muscle with machine weights. If they are your only weights you can still build up muscle effectively. However, free weights are much more effective. This is for a number of reasons. For instance, free weights require greater balance and you can also perform compound movements. This is where you work several muscles at once instead of just one that you might with a machine. The body loves this type of workout!

Tip 6 -- eat more often! Yes, I am not kidding! It is better to eat smaller amounts more frequently than three bigger meals per day. To build up muscle in the most efficient and fast way, you should eat small meals roughly every three hours. One easy way is to split your lunch in two. You could eat half of it at 12pm and the other half at 3pm.

Have you sweated out a great lake in the gym but still don't look like Arnie? Discover the secrets of how a scrawny little kid became a toned, hard bodied muscle builder. To learn more, click here: build up muscle

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Richard_Smith

Can Skinny Guys Gain Muscle? 3 Ways To Build Muscle For Hard-Gainers

Can skinny guys gain muscle? I have heard people say that your size is determined by your genes and if you're skinny now you always will be. I've heard guys say I wish I were muscular but there no chance of that because it's just not in my genes. I'm sorry, but let me just tell you that, that is absolute nonsense. This article is going to tell you exactly how skinny guys gain muscle. It will run you through the main 3 things you need to do to pack on some serious muscle mass.

First of all, let me start by telling you that your genes do have an effect on your size and on how muscular you are. Some guys are just born with a greater ability to pack on muscle while some hard-gainers like us aren't. However, that does not mean that we cannot gain significant amounts of muscle. We just have to do things a little more differently. When we skinny guys gain muscle it means we've done things a whole lot differently than the rest of the population to achieve it.

We can, as skinny guys, gain muscle. But what must we do to achieve this? 3 simple principles below that we must follow if we are to succeed.

Skinny guys gain muscle when they eat like CRAZY. Yes, you have to eat a lot because you need a very high caloric intake to supply the energy requirements for muscle building. However, you must focus not just on the quantity, but also on the quality of the food you eat. A very high portion of your nutrition must be proteins because these are your muscle building blocks. Good carbohydrates and good fats and oils make up the rest of your diet. Yes, there are good carbs and good oils, not all of them are bad. Be sure to also drink a lot of water.

Here's a rough guide:

20 X body weight (lbs) = daily caloric intake
2 X body weight (lbs) = daily protein intake (in grams)
good carbs - whole grain foods, potatoes, fruits, veggies
good oils - coconut oil, olive oil etc.
Lots of water (just not too much till you throw up)

Skinny guys gain muscle when they sleep like logs. That's right, you don't build muscle in the gym and not while you work. You build it when you are on your couch resting or in your bed sleeping. Also try to get the best quality of sleep possible. early to bed and early to rise is a good guideline. Power naps are a great addition too.

Skinny guys gain muscle while they sleep, but only if they work out HARD and SMART. Yes, you have to work out. Eating loads and sleeping well will make you fat, but eating loads and sleeping well when you work out with great intensity will pack on solid muscle. The trick to work out with intensity is to push yourself to your limit every time you work out. Whether it is by using the maximum weight, the maximum rep or set range, or a combination of all these things. Variation in your work out schedule is also an essential component of a good work out. Surprising your body like this will keep those stinking plateaus at bay.

So, skinny guys gain muscle too. And now you know the 3 most important steps to take. Eat right, sleep right and work out with maximum intensity. Follow these 3 steps closely and you too will be living proof that skinny guys gain muscle.

I'm Daniel Ferdinands and I went from 54kg (119lbs) to 70kg (154lbs) of muscle. Its a body transformation that I am very proud of.

My website can show you how to build muscles [http://www.best-bodybuilding-reviews.com/get-big]. But only click on it, if you're skinny, or want to gain more muscle on your frame.

You can also read my muscle building story [http://best-bodybuilding-reviews.com/my-muscle-building-journey] here.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Daniel_Ferdinands

Simple Solutions For Muscle Growth - Get Ripped Easy

Building muscle isn't the easiest thing in the world. All hardgainers know that. You can learn as much as you want and read as much as you want but you have to actually implement into the gym and your eating habits. That's the hard part. Being able to have a guide to tell you what to do such as what to eat and how much to eat is critical.

What days to work out, what exercises, how many sets, how many reps, rest periods, and training time are all important. That's why it's easier to ask the experts who know what they're doing instead of wasting time and guessing yourself like so many have done before. Here's some information to get you started and answer a simple question most people have.

Question- How to get big muscles?

Answer- Such factors like nutrition, workout plans, your exercise form, stress, and sleep all affect the muscle building process.

Nutrition- The simple philosophy is "To gain a lot you have to eat a lot," which is quite true so don't short your body on food. You eat even when you don't feel like it and spread about 3 meals and 3-4 snacks evenly throughout the day. Of course what you eat is the important thing. Foods like eggs, chicken, fish, nuts, and vegetables are some of the best. There are also many other good food choices as well. If you buy the programs they will also have diets and other food choices for you.

Now your workout plan should consist of exercises for every body part for every workout except for people like beginners. Now starting out there are many ways you can set it up like Light Weight/High Reps, Medium Weight/Medium Reps, Heavy Weight/Low Reps or vice versa for starting out your week. Now you want to start out training muscles like your legs and back. When you train your legs you release the highest growth hormone through training. It lifts the most weight of all of the muscle groups and it burns the most calories out of all of them. Then you train your back.

Back exercises are your best bicep muscle gainers. From there you train your shoulders, triceps, then your biceps. When you begin a workout, your body starts to release a growth hormone and testosterone. Another important thing is not training for any longer than 45 minutes. At this point the body starts to increase the release of cortisol. Cortisol is a catabolic hormone that eats away muscle tissue and increases the storage of body-fat. Your body also decreases the production of testosterone at this time.

Now stress and sleep both hinder your ability to build muscle so try to at least get 8 hours and more of sleep if you can. Then try your best to take naps and relax throughout the day to give your body time to recover and relieve yourself of stress.

For more information Visit [http://www.getrippedeasy.com].

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lawrence_Arens

How to Build Muscle Fast - The Complete Solution

Alright so you have decided you want to build muscle fast and you probably have a good reason it might be to look good for girls down at the beach or maybe you want to I intimidate other guys or just to get in shape for some sort of sport. It doesn't matter what reason you have to build up there muscles just write it down on paper and put it somewhere to remind you daily why your doing this because some days it takes all you have to get off the couch and hit the gym.

If you want to put on muscle quick you have to know how muscle is built the so called "science" behind building muscle and don't get me wrong it's not rocket science but, you also don't see everyone walking around with 17 inch biceps and ripped abdominals so it does require a little work on your part to get there but totally worth it.

In order to create muscle growth you have to stress your bodies muscles so they break down and this is called micro trauma it happens invisibly but, your muscles have tiny micro tears which it will attempt to repair as quick as possible and rebuild the muscles bigger and stronger then before, hence muscle growth. You should be lifting heavy weights to get the best workout possible because you should be only working each muscle once a week because they grow when your resting not working out, this is one of the tricks to build large muscles that many don't know.

The final factor to muscle growth is what your eating, your diet to bulk up should consist of high protein foods such as chicken, fish, eggs and beef but, also you need good sources of carbohydrates for energy such as potatoes, yams and rice. I get a lot of people wondering how much they really need to eat to build muscle fast so I tell them to mimic what bodybuilders do 5-6 small meals a day that are high in healthy proteins and carbohydrates and be sure to throw a few salads and vegetables in there.

If you put some of these tips above to work for you it'll surely pay off and you will be well on your way to large muscles. For more information consult a personal trainer or keep reading for more help.

For more information on building muscle go to http://www.modernmanfitness.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ivan_Johnson

Building Muscle Women - A Great Solution For Weight Loss Issues

Building muscle women is now very common because muscles go together with weight loss. Whenever people talk of muscles, the first thought that comes to mind is men. However, today, many women are concerned about muscles. Women can build their muscles to keep fit, look more shapely, sexy and lose weight. They can easily reach their fitness goals if they apply perseverance, self-motivation, discipline and patience.

To succeed in this venture, it is important to know the best way of going about it. This may call for a total change of lifestyle including reviewing your eating habits and exercise regime. Some ladies do not achieve their goals due to unhelpful things in their lifestyles. Some of these may include smoking, high alcohol intake and too much intake of caffeine.

Training with weights is important if you are to achieve your target. As you get used to the weights, move to heavier ones. This enables you to grow stronger and stronger and gain more muscle mass. In the process of this training your body breaks down the muscles, burns fat and energy. This simply means that the heavier the weights the bigger the muscles.

On top of weight training for building muscle women, doing cardio vascular workouts is also important. These are exercises that are beneficial to the body because they raise your heart rate. Examples of such workouts are bike riding, dancing, jogging and rowing. Other exercises that are beneficial include deadlift, squatting and bench press. These help to build, condition and strengthen your muscles further.

Eating right is important for building muscle women because your muscles might not show properly if there are fat layers over them. By eating correctly, you are able to lose these fatty layers. Each of your meals should be balanced. Eating whole grains instead of refined grains is quite helpful. Whole grains help to hasten the fat melting process as they assist in changing the body's glucose and insulin response. Drinking plenty of water daily to cool your system, keep you hydrated and flush out toxins.

You should also keep your metabolism steady. This is achievable by eating a small meal every three hours. This helps the metabolism to burn calories continuously and it also gives you the energy you require. Understanding the amounts to eat and when to eat is also important. Start with a healthy breakfast, a larger lunch and take healthy snacks between meals. Eat a small dinner early in the evening since you are not active during the night.

Taking some recommended protein supplements between training could also be helpful as some help to enhance your training. You could also take them when you are not in a position to eat a balanced meal. They help you to workout harder and for a longer period. They also help the muscles to heal faster thus enabling you to continue with your training for building muscle women with minimal interruptions.

It is advisable to set systematic and reasonable goals that you can easily track, progress and meet over time. Discipline, patience, motivation and perseverance are also important. Building muscle women is possible when you eat healthy, change your lifestyle, and do appropriate exercises plus weight lifting.

Discover the best way to create your own effective program for building muscle women by visiting Build Muscle For Women to grab your Free Report on 'The ABCs of Bodybuilding' by Cindy Davis.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Cindy_P_Davis

How To Build The Side Of The Arm Muscle - 5 Tips

Building a well-sculpted body requires more than knowing just a few types of exercises. Rather, you need to target specific muscles in each part of your body with specific exercises designed to work those parts.

Take the arms, for example. Most people who work out focus mainly on the biceps (front, inside of arm) and triceps (back of arm). But, what about those muscles on the sides of the arm? By targeting those muscle groups, as well, you stand to gain muscles in place you never knew you had them.

Here are 5 tips for how to build the side of the arm muscle:

1. The upper part of the side of your arm is called the medial (side) deltoid:

First, let's get our terminology straight. When we talk about the side of the arm muscle, we really need to distinguish between two types of muscles: the medial deltoid and the brachialis.

The deltoid muscle - which extends directly down from the shoulder blades and into the top of the arms - actually has three parts: front, side, and back. The medial (side) deltoid is the one that looks like it is on the side of your arm.

2. The lower part of the side of your arm is called the brachialis:

Moving down your arm a bit, you have a separate muscle called the brachialis. This is situated between the biceps and triceps muscles.

Together, a set of well-developed medial deltoid and brachialis muscles will give the sides of your arms the look you want.

3. For your deltoids, do side lateral raises:

There are a number of exercises that can work out your medial deltoid muscles. We focus here on side lateral raises. Here's how:

a. Pick up two light dumbbells (5-15 lbs.).

b. Stand with your feet apart, about shoulder-width.

c. Hold the dumbbells just in front of your body with the palms of your hands facing each other while slightly bending your elbows.

d. Raise the weights out to the sides and upwards in a semicircular arc until they are just above shoulder level. Hold this position for a moment, then lower them back to the starting position.

e. Repeat.

4. For your brachialis, do the dumbbell bent-over row:

A great exercise for your brachialis muscles is the dumbbell bent-over row. Here is what to do:

a. Stand with your knees bent and your upper body at about a 60-degree angle.

b. Now with the weights fully extended downward in your arms, bring them straight up to your chest by contracting your shoulder blades fully.

c. Inhale and then slowly return the weights to the starting position.

d. Repeat.

5. Also for your brachialis, try reverse curls:

Here is another good one that is designed to increase the size and definition of your brachialis:

a. Stand up straight, with your back and head straight forward and upward.

b. Grab a barbell with palms out and down (rather than up and toward you). Grip the bar at shoulder width, slowly raising the weight with your elbows tight up against your body.

c. Once the weight has reached the top, lower it slowly back down to the starting position.

Bonus tip: by focusing mentally on the muscles you want to really build up while you do these exercises, you can actually improve the intensity of the workout that these muscles get. By focusing on them, your body will naturally send more energy in those areas.

Try these tips on how to build the muscles on the sides of your arms.

Check out this body-training guide that requires no weights or equipment, designed by the go-to-guy trainer of elite warriors, special ops, and Navy Seals: Commando Body Training Guide.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jed_C._Jones_Ph.D.

The 5 Best Bodyweight Exercises For Building Big, Muscular Arms

I've recently read several articles in which some self-proclaimed fitness "guru" insists that you must choose between bodyweight and weight lifting exercises in setting up your strength or muscle building program. The usual argument claims that bodyweight exercises are absolutely better than weight lifting techniques without any consideration of your specific training objective.

In reality, it's a false debate because if your goal is to build big, muscular arms you should use both bodyweight exercises and weight lifting movements to do so.

Specifically, if your goal is to maximize the size and strength of your biceps and triceps, you need a program based primarily on isolation bodybuilding techniques that are supplemented with compound exercises. These compound exercises should include both weight lifting movements (which I've discussed in other articles) and bodyweight exercises. While the isolation training will stimulate maximum growth in your biceps and triceps, there's no question that the following bodyweight exercises can enhance the amount and rate of that growth and ensure balanced development of your entire upper body.

1. Triceps Pushups

Triceps pushups are the only isolation exercise in this group and designed to minimize chest and shoulder involvement with targeted resistance on your triceps. For proper performance, simply take a standard pushup position with your hands and arms extended and shoulder-width apart. Then slide your hands closer together until your thumbs nearly touch each other. This is the starting position. Slowly lower your arms underneath you and then push yourself back up to the starting position as you would with regular pushups. Make sure that you keep your back straight and your head up for maximum resistance on your triceps.

If your bodyweight doesn't provide sufficient resistance, have a training partner gently place barbell plates on your back as needed to keep your rep range within 6-10 reps per set. A sample pyramid sequence could consist of 3 sets of 10, 8 and 6 reps with gradually increased poundage in each set.

2. Seated Triceps Dips

Seated triceps dips are another terrific triceps builder. To do this exercise, sit on a workout bench or chair with your legs together and extended on the floor in front of you. Your arms should be fully extended and shoulder-width apart behind you. Slide your body slightly forward to suspend yourself so that your arms are bearing your bodyweight between the bench and the floor. With your arms extended and your hands nearly touching behind you, slowly lower yourself as though to sit on the floor and then push yourself back up by extending your arms and returning to the starting position. This exercise, when performed properly, will add tremendous power, shape and definition to your triceps.

Again, if your bodyweight doesn't provide enough resistance, keep your legs together and extend them to another chair or workout bench in front of you so that they're parallel to the floor. Then have a training partner gently place barbell plates on your thighs as needed to keep your rep range within 6-10 reps per set. A sample pyramid sequence could consist of 3 sets of 10, 8 and 6 reps with gradually increased weight in each set.

3. Parallel Bar Dips

Parallel Bar Dips are great for shaping and building mass in the long and medial heads of the triceps. Grasp the handles of a parallel dip apparatus and hold your body suspended between them. For substantial training emphasis on your triceps, hold your torso as erect as possible (leaning forward puts primary resistance on your chest). Inhale as you lower yourself as far down as you can comfortably descend and then exhale as you push yourself back up to the starting position. This exercise is a great bodyweight triceps builder as long as you watch your technique and keep your torso straight throughout the movement.

For an overload effect or to pyramid your work sets, use a harness to hang a barbell plate or dumbbell from your waist for added resistance. Most commercial gyms and some health clubs have these harnesses, so if you need one, ask for it. Make sure to keep your rep range within 6-10 reps per set. A sample overload sequence could include 3 sets of 10, 8 and 6 reps with gradually increased weight in each set.

4. Chin Ups

Chin Ups are excellent for building strength and muscle mass in your biceps. This exercise also thickens the latissimus dorsi ("lats") and rhomboid muscles on the sides and upper-middle portion of your back. Simply grasp the Chin Up bar with an underhand grip and your arms shoulder-width apart. Inhale as you pull your body upward until your chin nearly touches the bar. Exhale as you lower your body to return to the starting position.

For variation and balanced biceps development, you can alternately do this exercise with your arms slightly wider than shoulder-width to place more emphasis on the short head or inner portion of your biceps.

Use a weighted harness if you need to increase your resistance beyond your bodyweight. Make sure to stay within the 6-10 rep range with gradually increased weight in each set.

5. Pull Ups

Pull Ups are another excellent bodyweight exercise for adding power and muscle density to your biceps. Like Chin Ups, this exercise also works your lats and and rhomboids. Pull Ups also put significant resistance on the trapezius muscles in your shoulders when you squeeze your scapulae together at the top of the movement. Simply grasp the Pull Up bar with an overhand grip and your arms spread comfortably but wide apart. Inhale as you pull your body upward until your eyes are slightly higher than the bar. Exhale as you lower your body to return to the starting position.

For variation you can pull your body upward with your chin facing the bar or with your head facing downward as you pull yourself up with the bar behind your neck. When performing this movement with your chin facing the bar, primary training emphasis in on your biceps and lower lats. But when you pull yourself up with the bar behind your neck, focused resistance is placed on your biceps and upper lats. Either approach will add strength and muscle tone to your upper arms.

As with your Chin Ups, use a weighted harness when doing Pull Ups if you need to increase the training resistance beyond your bodyweight. And always make sure you stay within 6-10 reps per set with gradually increased weight in each set.

As you can see, bodyweight exercises and bodybuilding techniques go hand-in-hand when it comes to building big, muscular arms. If anybody tries to tell you something different, tell them to go do some weighted Chin Ups and Dumbbell Preacher Curls.

Mark G. Winston, "The Master Gunslinger," is author of the ground-breaking training manual, "GO For Your GUNS - 7 Simple Secrets to AWESOME ARMS." He has also created GOforyourGUNS.com, a bodybuilding and fitness website dedicated entirely to helping you build big, muscular arms. Mark's forthcoming book will be jammed with workouts and training techniques to help you build the big, muscular arms that you deserve! To learn about the GO For Your GUNS bodybuilding system and get free arm training tips that really work, visit [http://www.GOforyourGUNS.com]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mark_G._Winston

Chest Exercises Without Weights - Home Workout Options

Think the bench press and the pushup are your only chest exercise options? Think again.

There MANY ways to target your chest without weights.

Let's take a look at a few you might not have tried yet.

Chest Exercises Without Weights - Bodyweight Options

The pushup is a fundamental upper body exercise, and one would do well to master it. But let's look at some not-so-common variations that can really target your chest.

Ball Pushups

Grab a basketball, soccer ball, homemade medicine ball, or other inflatable ball.

Place your hands one either side of the ball, and push your hands together, hard.

You should feel a strong contraction in your inner chest (much like doing cable crossovers on a weight machine).

While flexing, crank out some pushups. You should feel much more activation in your inner chest than with standard pushups.

To turn this move into more of an upper chest exercise, try elevating your feet onto a chair .

Wide Stance Pushups

Generally, the wider you place your hands while doing a pushup, the more it becomes a chest exercise, and the less it targets your arms.

Since the upper chest is often stubborn to develop, try doing wide stance pushups with your feet on a chair, or if that is too difficult, try doing wide stance jackknife pushups (bent at the waist - check YouTube for detailed instructions).

Explosive Ball Pushups

For this chest exercise without weights, place one of your hands onto a ball on the floor. Do a pushup with your one hand on the ball and other hand on the floor.

At the high point of your pushup, quickly switch hands on the ball.

Go back and forth explosively.

Decline Pushups on a Suspension Trainer

Suspension trainers are extremely useful pieces of equipment. Don't stress if you don't have the $200 or so to spend on a retail model, do a quick Google search for a DIY suspension trainer and you can find several great ways to make your own for around $15.

For this exercise, set the suspension trainer up so the handles are an inch or two off the ground. Put your feet on a chair, grip the trainer's handles, and do a pushup.

This is my personal favorite chest/upper body exercise.

To target the optimal muscle growth range (4-8 reps per set), add some weight (pea gravel works well) into a backpack for this exercise.

Some trainers claim this exercise is safer AND more effective than the bench press for upper body strength!

Don't Forget to Balance Pushing With Pulling

Doing only pushing motions will lead to muscle imbalances that make you prone to injury. So, don't forget to balance all these pushing motions with pulling motions like body rows (the suspension trainer works well for this move).

A good way to get a complete upper body workout is simply doing 4 sets of decline pushups, each set alternated with a set of body rows.

Try these chest exercises without weights out for yourself and see how they work for you!

If you found this article interesting and for more info on the best chest exercises and homemade workout equipment, check out my blog at http://homeworkoutblog.com/

See how I have successfully lost 30 pounds of fat, built strength and muscle, and overcome chronic injuries all at home.

Take care and good luck!


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ian_Nagy

Amino Acid Pills - 3 Things You Should Know About Amino Acid Pills

There are a great many supplements out there that are just complete junk. Supplement companies bank on shady advertising, endorsements from bodybuilders, and crazy claims to sell bogus products. However, some supplements really do work, including amino acid pills.

This article will explain why amino acid pills work the way they do, and how you can incorporate them into your own muscle building routine. At the end of the article, discover the best, most comprehensive muscle building system ever devised.

1. Aminos Are Simply The Building Blocks Of Protein

There is a great deal of mystique around amino acids pills in the bodybuilding community, but they are really just the building blocks of proteins. There are 20 known amino acids, and every protein is made up of sequences of hundreds, thousands, or even millions of these individual segments.

What this means is that you are already getting TONS of amino acids when you eat your daily food! Don't think that you need to take amino acid pills just to get your daily allotment of amino acids. Out of all 20, there are just a few that are worth extra supplementation.

2. Specific Amino Acids Trigger Muscle Building

What's most important to know about amino acid pills is that certain acids can trigger highly anabolic (muscle building) responses in your body. You want to supplement with these specific ones, and not the whole grab bag that some companies will try to sell you.

The three most effective amino acids for muscle building supplementation are called the branched chain amino acids. They are called this because their chemical structure involves a complex, branched sequence of atoms.

Bodybuilders and researchers alike have found branched chain amino acid pills to be extremely beneficial in supporting muscle growth, as well as in preventing muscle loss when dieting. They can be very expensive, but stock up on this amazing supplement if you can afford to do so.

3. Supplements Are Never The Key To Success!

Despite the effectiveness of supplements such as branched chain amino acid pills, products like these will NEVER be your key to muscle building success! You can have the best supplementation plan in the world, but you will never gain an ounce of muscle mass without following a proven system for your strength training and nutrition.

Discover the best, most comprehensive muscle building guide, as well as more information about amino acid pills, at IntelligentMuscleBuilding.com. You will find the "secrets" that have enabled people to gain as much as 40 pounds of muscle in 6 months. Don't get stuck with a lack of progress by following your own trial and error methods!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_J._Washington