Bodyweight muscle builders need to take supplements just like any other bodybuilder. Your body really doesn't care, or even know, if your reserves of nutrients were used because you were lifting weights or doing decline push ups.
If you are intensely working your body you need to take supplements. But you do not need the latest muscle building supplement guaranteed to pack on 30 pounds of muscle in the first month. No matter how good this sounds these types of supplements have only one purpose. That is to lighten your wallet - not to make lean muscle tissue.
You also do not need HGH, steroids or any other chemical hormone supplement. If you nourish your body properly and exercise with the correct routines, your body will manufacture all of the hormones you need.
When you are seriously working your body to its peak, it is virtually impossible to all of the nutrients you need to continue to build muscle. That is the role of bodybuilding supplements. There are meant to supplement, not replace your food.
In spite of what all of the hype filled ads tell you, there are only 4 supplements you will ever need to help you pack on slabs of muscle with bodyweight exercises.
When it comes to muscle building supplements, multivitamins are not the first thing that usually pops to mind. They should be because vitamins are the behind the scenes directors for the nutrients you consume. Without an adequate supply of multivitamins, any other supplement you take will be working below its potential.
BCAA's (Branched Chain Amino Acids)
Branched chain amino acids are critical. They function in promoting protein synthesis and helping transport other amino acids into the muscles for growth and repair.
Our bodies cannot produce BCAA's so we must take them into our bodies. The usual source for them is dietary protein. Intense workouts require supplementation of the diet.
Glutamine boosts your immunity and also assists in the release of Growth Hormone. Intense training quickly depletes the bodies reserves of glutamine and strength and recovery ability is decreased. There is some discussion about its efficacy for bodybuilders, but many have shown that it does work and would not delete it from their diet.
Creatine Monohydrate
There continues to be a lot of discussion surrounding creatine. The discussion is not whether or not it works but whether it works too well and should be allowed for competitive sports. Some countries have banned its use in competitive bodybuilding and weight lifting.
Creatine is a combination of three amino acids (Arginine, Methionine and Glycine). It permits longer and more intense workouts without fatigue and shortens recovery time. Both of these factors enhance the ability to grow muscle tissue.
Protein Powder
Protein powder offers a method to consume the quantities of protein needed to build maximum muscle. It is difficult to consume sufficient protein from food stuffs alone. But it is a supplement and not a replacement for your muscle building diet. Protein-carb combinations are the most effective.
It should be taken with a caution. Protein powders are made from whey protein which is dairy. If you are lactose intolerant they should be avoided.
Is zinc on your list of daily supplements? It should be. Zinc is an extremely valuable mineral, especially for men. It helps maintain testosterone levels and assists in the metabolism of protein.
In summary, there are only 6 bodybuilding supplements that you really need in order to achieve maximum results with bodyweight exercises. Chemical supplements and stimulants should be strictly avoided.
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