Best Fat Loss Ab Workout For Six Pack Abs

Many ask what is the best fat loss ab workout for six pack abs, because they have a little bit of excess belly fat on top of their abs. The best ab workouts are not specifically ab workouts, or ab exercises at all... But a series of workouts that burn fat, feed the muscle and get your metabolism into high gear.

If you think that doing crunches for 3 months will get you abs, that is not the solution and you are wasting a lot of your time. Crunches will not get you visual six pack abs, but it will make them bigger and stronger so doing them is great. To get visual six pack abs, that look lean and ripped you must get lower fat percentage in your body, that is the only way. That means you will need to do fat burning cardio, lift some weights to increase metabolism and diet right.

These ingredients is a six pack formula that has been taught since it's discovery. Remember, you can not out train a bad diet, either, so getting ripped is all about what you eat and how much calories you are burning each day. You will want to create a caloric deficit each day to lose weight. That means you eat less than you are burning each day, but still eat enough to fuel your body so that you don't lose energy throughout the day.

Two types of training is essential, cardio and resistance training. So doing push-ups, squats, pull-ups, lunges, bicep curls along with 20-30 minutes of interval training is the ultimate solution. There are hundreds of awesome ab workouts that I consider the best fat loss ab workout for six pack abs.

To find out some of these awesome exercises check out http://www.SixPackFormula.com or get your FREE videos, and newsletter at [http://www.SixPackExposed.com] right now!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Christopher_Stigson